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[文章] 【转载】[Minecraft.net | DEEP DIVES] 遇见青蛙

发表于 2022-6-2 09:32:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP:煋
本帖最后由 玄铁 于 2022-8-16 13:44 编辑


A deep dive into frogs and the surprising things they used to eat!

Hide your beloved pet slimes, because the frogs are hopping your way! The Wild Update is coming soon, which means these little amphibians (and some other new friends) will soon find a place in your worlds, and hopefully your hearts. But before you welcome someone into your base, it’s customary to get to know them a bit – so I chased down our very own Vanilla Gameplay Developer, Alexander Östman, to chat a bit about our new sticky-tongued friends.
快把你的小可爱史莱姆藏在背后,因为青蛙蹦蹦跳跳地来啦!荒野更新即将正式上线,这也就意味着这些小巧可爱的两栖动物 (当然还有其他的 新朋友)将会很快来到你的世界里,希望也能进入你的心里。但在你把某人请进家里之前,习惯上来讲,最好要对他们有一点了解 – 于是我请来了我们自己的原版玩法设计师,Alexander Östman,来聊一聊这位舌头黏黏的新朋友。

Let’s start at the beginning: when did the idea of frogs first come up?
Alexander: A while back,both the goat and the frog were in the same mob vote,but the goat won – so my personal headcanon is that this is the frog’s comeback after losing to the goat!
Alexander:就在前一阵子,青蛙和山羊进了同一个生物投票里,不过山羊赢了投票 – 所以我个人的想法是,这次的加入是青蛙输给山羊后的卷土重来!

On a more serious note, when planning The Wild Update, we knew we wanted to have mangrove swamps in there, and it made sense to introduce the frogs at the same time since they would live there. They were also the optimal mob to make the existing swamps more interesting and create a connection to the mangrove swamps.

Also, it’s not a big leap to add frogs to Minecraft because they’re such iconic animals and we could use more amphibians in Minecraft. We added the axolotl in Caves & Cliffs: Part I, but I think we could always have more real-life amphibians. It’s also cool to add really fascinating made-up mobs, but I really like the touch of realism you get with mobs inspired by real life.
同时,加入青蛙也绝非什么你游史上的一大步,因为青蛙实在是太有标志性了。同样的,我们也能在 Minecraft 里添加更多两栖生物。虽然已经在洞穴与山崖的第一部分更新中添加了美西螈,但我觉得我们还应该再添加一些其他真实存在的两栖生物。虽说加入一些幻想的怪物属实炫酷的不行,但我真的很喜欢这种受现实生物启发的生物所带来的真实感。


—— Alexander Östman,混账策划

So how come frogs eat slimes? They don’t seem particularly appetizing, but maybe the frogs are onto something!
Alexander: The slimes are natural inhabitants of swamps, and we knew that’s where the frogs would live too. So why not just have the frogs eat the smallest slime? And then we started prototyping and thought it was super fun how the frog would eat the slime and then burp out a slime ball.
Alexander: 史莱姆本来就是沼泽的原住民,而且我们知道青蛙现在也会住在那了。那为什么不直接让青蛙去吃小型史莱姆呢?我们接下来构想原型的时候想到,如果青蛙吃掉史莱姆之后吐出一个粘液球,那可真是好玩的要死。

Additionally, we knew that there would be different variants of frogs, and we wanted each of them to have something unique about them – so we came up with the froglights. We thought it would be cool to have a block that emits light and is similar in appearance to its corresponding frog. But how would the frog produce it? We figured that if the frogs ate small slimes, they could also eat the small magma cubes since they’re very similar in appearance. Basically, if a frog sees a small magma cube it thinks it’s a small slime and thinks to itself “Yeah, I know those are yummy!” and eats it. Once it realizes its mistake, it spits out a cool shiny block!
另外呢,我们知道青蛙会有很多变种,并且想让每个变种都有属于自己独一无二的地方  - 于是我们想到了蛙明灯的点子。如果能为每种青蛙设计一个与其外观相对应的发光方块,那简直太酷了。但是该怎样让青蛙产生这种方块呢?我们想到,如果青蛙会去吃小型史莱姆,由于外观上十分相似,那么他们也一定会去吃小型岩浆怪。大概就是说,如果一只青蛙看到了一个小型岩浆怪,它会把它当做小型史莱姆,自言自语道 “对,就是你,我知道你很好吃!” 接下来便吞掉了它。一旦这青蛙意识到了自己的错误,它就会吐出一个炫酷的发光方块了!

Aww! Such simple creatures. But slimes weren’t the mob they were supposed to eat initially...
Alexander: No, the original idea was for them to eat fireflies, but when the community let us know that they can be poisonous to many real-world frogs, we started working on a new source of food – slime and magma cubes. We did something similar with parrots back in the day. They originally ate chocolate chip cookies, but you should never feed a parrot chocolate in real life because it’s very poisonous to them.
Alexander: 确实,最早的点子是想让青蛙去吃萤火虫,但当我们从社区那里了解到萤火虫对现实中很多青蛙都有毒性时,我们就开始寻找新的食物来源 – 那就是现在的史莱姆和岩浆怪。这和我们前几天对鹦鹉做的事类似。本来他们会去吃巧克力曲奇,但在现实世界中,巧克力对鹦鹉是剧毒的,所以不要喂他们哦~

After we made that design change for the frogs, the scope for fireflies was smaller. When we had to choose where to put our efforts for this update, we decided to keep working on other features that we felt added more value to the game.

Somewhere along the way, there was another mob that the frogs developed an appetite for. Can you walk us through what that was and what happened behind the scenes?
Alexander: When I first implemented the eating behavior, the frog was hardcoded to only eat the slime. But when we came up with the froglights, we had to extend that to other entities, namely magma cubes.
Alexander: 第一次加入捕食行为的时候,青蛙被硬编码为只能吃史莱姆。但当蛙明灯的想法被提出之后,我们不得不将这个范围扩展到其他实体,也就是岩浆怪。

So decided to make the “eat mob” behavior of the frogs to be editable for our creators, so they could also allow the frogs to eat different mobs if they wanted to, or even create new mobs that could eat any other mob. When testing this behavior, I made the frogs able to eat goats just because I thought it’d be funny – and it worked! The frogs were eating the goats and we were very pleased.
所以我决定要让青蛙 “吃掉生物” 的这一行为能被我们的社区创作者编辑,这样一来,如果他们愿意的话,就能让青蛙去吃不同的生物了,甚至创造一种能吃掉其他所有生物的生物也没有问题。我在测试这一行为的时候,让青蛙能吃掉山羊,纯粹是因为我觉得这很好玩 – 而且这确实奏效了!正如我们预想的,青蛙吃掉了山羊,我们对此感到十分满意。

Not long after that, we shipped the first beta release of the frog. It was a great success, people loved the frog and we were getting some amazing feedback. We posted about it in the afternoon Swedish time and I watched people reacting to it on Twitter until I went to bed. It was really great.

The day after, I woke up to a message telling me to take a look at Twitter. When I did, I saw that a community member had posted a video of frogs going around eating goats! They even had a huge goat farm and the frogs were picking them off one by one. Turns out I forgot to remove the code that made frogs eat goats for the beta release! I literally fell off my chair laughing, I was SO embarrassed, but it was also absolutely hilarious.

I, of course, then immediately fixed it, but the funny thing is I got so much pushback from the community when the fix came in! So many people tagged me saying that I shouldn’t have removed such a cool feature and that they wanted the goat-eating frogs back. To this day, someone occasionally tags me to bring back the goat-eating frog. It’s even become a bit of an inside joke in our team.
当然,我马上就把这 bug 修了,有趣的是这个修复发下去的时候,社区不愿意了!一大堆人告诉我说我就不应该把这个炫酷的特性给删掉,他们还是想要那个能吃山羊的青蛙。直到今天,依然时不时地会有人告诉我把吃山羊的青蛙加回来。这甚至都快成了我们团队的内部笑话了。

The best frog is a muddy frog.

I might as well quit writing now because I’m not topping that story. Can you tell me more about the different kinds of frogs?
Alexander: Yes, in short, we have the cold, warm, and temperate frog, and then the froglights are verdant, pearlescent, and ochre respectively. The temperate frog is the default one that spawns in regular swamps, and it gives you an ochre froglight. The verdant froglight comes from the cold frog, which you get by taking a tadpole to a cold environment, and the pearlescent froglight comes from the warm frog, which spawns in warm places.
Alexander: 好的,简单来说,现在我们有寒带,温带和热带的青蛙变种,他们产生的的蛙明灯的颜色分别是翠绿色,浅紫色和浅黄色。在一般的沼泽里默认会生成热带变种的青蛙,它产生的蛙明灯是浅黄色的。绿色的蛙明灯来自寒带变种,把蝌蚪带到寒冷环境中培养就可得到这样的青蛙,浅紫色的蛙明灯来自温带变种,生成在温暖的地方。

We thought a lot about the right frog and froglight names, I think we had names like “tropical frog” and “warm frog”, we bounced a lot of ideas. But after a lot of discussions, we thought that we should keep it simple and just give them names based on their environments for the frogs, and their colors for the blocks.
我们想了很多“正确的”青蛙和蛙明灯的名字,我们想过一些类似于 “热带青蛙” 和 “温带青蛙”的名字,还有很多一些其他的点子。但在一番讨论之后,我们觉得还是应该尽量让这些名字保持简单,按照青蛙生活的环境给青蛙命名,并按照蛙明灯的颜色给这些方块命名。

We focused a lot on the froglight blocks because those names would actually show up in the player inventory, for example, green was fairly simple: “verdant” comes from “verde”, which is the Spanish word for “green”, or at least a shade of green. Then, we have the ochre froglight, which is a cool name for a murky orange-yellow color. The white froglight was especially tricky – we talked about a lot of different words like “blanc” but they didn’t really feel right. At some point, I think it was Cory [Scheviak, Gameplay Designer, editor's note] who said: How about “pearlescent”? And we knew immediately that it was the winner.
我们在蛙明灯方块的命名上下了很大功夫,因为这些名字确确实实地会出现在玩家的背包里,举个例子,绿色的蛙明灯命名起来很简单:“verdant(翠绿色)” 一词来自于“verde”,是西班牙语中表示“绿色”的单词,或者说至少是一抹绿色吧。然后就是“ochre(赭石色)”的蛙明灯,这个词对于这种橙黄色简直再合适不过了。白色的蛙明灯是最难搞的 – 我们讨论了很多类似“blanc”的词语,但是听起来总是有点奇怪。在某个时刻,好像是 Cory [Scheviak,玩法设计师,编者注] 说: “pearlescent(珠光色)” 这个名字如何?我们马上知道这个名字赢下了这场激烈的命名争夺战。

How do you get the different kinds of frogs?
Alexander: We wanted it to be quite simple and intuitive for players, so we just thought the place where the tadpole grows into a frog determines the type of frog it becomes. You could lure the frogs to a specific region and set up your farm there so they produce tadpoles. But the easiest way is to just take a bucket and put a tadpole in it, then bring it to a biome of your choice and have it grow up there.
Alexander: 我们希望这个过程对玩家来说尽可能的简单而直观,于是就让蝌蚪变成青蛙的地方来决定他们所变成青蛙的种类了。你可以把青蛙带到某个特定区域,建立你的农场,让青蛙在那里产下蝌蚪。不过要说最简单的办法,那就是弄个桶装点蝌蚪进去,然后把他们带到你选好的想让他们变成青蛙的生物群系即可。

How do you see the frog impacting players’ gameplay once it reaches everyone?
Alexander: I think the frog is completely adorable. I think it’s ideal for farming slime balls, of course. Even more so though, frogs eating magma is the only way to obtain froglight blocks in Survival. I’m sure that a lot of players will be using frogs for this. We didn't really have that many light-emitting blocks of different colors in the game, so I think froglights will come in handy as a cool decorative block that acts as a light source as well. I’m envisioning players gathering frogs to use them to get lots and lots of froglight blocks for their builds. Because the frogs come in different variants and some require a bit of adventuring to obtain, there’s also a nice collectible aspect to the frog.

Froglight blocks also are an organic substance since they’re organisms that have been digested and then spat out by the frog, so naturally they have a very unique and organic look. It’s also a pretty unique way of obtaining a new block, you need to work together with the frog to get it, which is a gameplay mechanic I’m very happy with.

The froglights glowing in the night!

Why yes, I am an artist. Why do you ask?

What is your favorite thing about the frogs?
Alexander: The eating animation looks so snappy and so cool, Chi [Wong, Vanilla 3D Artist] really did an amazing job with it! Whenever you see a frog walking up to a slime and going schhhhlup it’s 100% how we envisioned it when we were brainstorming the frog and it’s absolutely hilarious. He did an amazing job with capturing that snappy motion and it’s such a fun thing to see.
Alexander: 青蛙的捕食动画看起来真的很爽快,Chi [Wong,原版3D美术] 在这块着实下了很大功夫!每当你想到青蛙走到史莱姆面前,发出啧啧啧啧啧啧的声音开始捕食, 这就是我们头脑风暴时构想出的滑稽样子。他完美地捕捉下了这个细腻的动作,真的很好玩。

I also think the sounds they make are so cool and derpy! The frog is quite simple compared to mobs like the warden, which is much more complex and is one of the coolest things we’ve ever created in Minecraft. But I actually like the simplicity of the frog because it just jumps, eats stuff, and makes funny noises, and has all these amazing animations that make it really fun and charming. All these small touches made it turn out even better than we envisioned it at the beginning.
我也觉得青蛙们发出的声音又炫酷又笨拙!和像监守者一类更加复杂的生物相比,青蛙实在是太简单了,但却绝对是我们在 Minecraft 中创造过最酷的生物。不过我反倒更喜欢青蛙这种简单的生物,因为它只会跳来跳去,吃掉东西,发出一些有趣的声音,还有着让这一切变得有趣且魅力无穷的动画。这些小细节让这一切都比我们原先预想的要好得多。

Thank you so much for your time, Alexander! Now I’m even more excited to actually meet the frogs.

Catch your very own frogs on June 7, when The Wild Update is unleashed upon the Overworld!

【苦力怕553 译自官网 2022 年 05 月 30 日发布的 Meet the Frog;原作者 Cristina Anderca】
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